Since an estimated 2 million children in the United States - approximately one child in every classroom - suffer from ADHD, the need to find a solution is urgent.
The most typical ADHD treatment is drug therapy that often has unpleasant side effects. This is really hitting home with new warnings being issued following a few deaths. Loss of appetite is probably the most common side effect of these medications. What's of growing concern to parents, teachers, and health care professionals is that it is highly problematic to suppress appetite in children during the formative years, during the period critical to brain growth and development.
The brain is over 60% Fat. "Essential" Fatty Acids (brain "building blocks") must be supplied for brain health, and these nutrients can only be supplied by diet or supplements. Nurture & Clarity-H® is a formula that has been clinically tested and found to effectively reduce hyperactivity, increase attention span, and support impulse control within 3-4 weeks. The crucial factor in its success: it does not suppress the appetite. Instead, it contains ingredients that nourish and normalize the brain at the cellular level.
For further information about Nurture & Clarity® and Nurture & Clarity-H® or about treatment of attention deficit disorders based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, please contact us using the following form: